Friday, July 17, 2015

Calvin Lives

When I was growing up, Calvin and Hobbes were some of my favorite book characters. Friends and I recited entire swaths of dialogue. We shared the books. I think we related on a fundamental level. We, too, loved to run around through the woods, crafting these elaborate pretend scenarios while our parents did whatever parents did, far away from us.

I'm absolutely delighted to be raising my own little Calvin now. Besides looking the part, he's appropriately defiant, unappreciative of his mother, and has an imaginary friend. His imaginary friend is his hand, which is a little creepier than a stuffed tiger, but Hand certainly pushes him towards mischief.

I find myself recalling Calvin and Hobbes quite frequently. I think of this strip whenever X jumps in a puddle, picks up a stick, throws rocks in the water, or some other inexplicable kid thing. I think of this one whenever I hear X reciting some elaborate imaginary scenario involving dinosaurs, cars, trains, sea creatures, and/or Hand.

I guess, more than anything, this is a testament to the brilliance of Bill Watterson, capturing childhood in all of it's frustrating and magical glory. I wish I still had the ability to conjure up an entire universe out of nothing but a few plastic toys. Adulthood can seem so dreary sometimes.