Final preparations for the 2011 World Athletic Games are underway. When we moved here, Daegu as already advertising the games on billboards and taxis. I believe the spate of new restaurant signs we saw a few months ago was another brush up for the games, along with the new flower beds, public trash cans, and general maintenance we have seen in the past couple of months. Last week, a bunch of international flags sprung up on our street. We haven't found the U.S yet, but China and Britian are right outside of our house. I talked Bobby into buying us tickets to one of the events. We don't follow track and field events, but how many chances do you have to see the world's fastest people compete?
In other news, Seoul and northern Korea (I think this includes North Korea) has been hit by some devastating floods. It has been raining a lot here, and people up north are losing their houses. Many have died in mudslides and flooding. We saw construction workers upgrading the drainage on our street last week, so I guess we're prepared.