Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy birthday to me, happy due date to Xander

Today was supposed to be our birthday, but I'm not sorry that I don't share it. The past week has been busy. I was not aware that breastfeeding a newborn was a full time job, but Xander eats for at least eight hours a day. During the period of time when we were both trying to get used to breastfeeding, he lost some weight, so I'm happy to feed him whenever he wants. Unfortunately, I also have to eat, go to the bathroom, shower, and occasionally just spend some time not attached to my barracuda baby. This leaves Bobby trying to calm a hungry baby for mom's ten minute break. During these times, he has discovered that Xander likes to be held upside down (supported, of course), have raspberries blown on his tummy, and turned over so that he can see the floor. I guess he likes new perspectives.

We had our first outing yesterday. It took us almost three hours to get ready. Most of this time was spent eating, though he decided to mess his diaper when we finally got him in his car seat. We cleaned him up, but he messed it again in the doctor's office. Must be all that eating!  I was pleasantly surprised to see that I lost half of my baby weight having Xander.  We took him by the PX after our visit—I'm going a little stir crazy—and showed him off to some folks. One lady told me to take him out so she could hold him, but I pretended not to hear her. Call me overprotective, but no one can hold the baby just yet. We are looking, not touching, at least not without washing your hands first.

Bobby got me an ihome for my birthday. It's great: now I can listen to music while I'm feeding the baby.

I know they can't smile yet, but what does that look like to you?  He gets those red marks on his chin when he's just finished eating.

Looking at mama

On the changing table, but not crying

The thinker

Thanksgiving dinner

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