Monday, January 28, 2013

He's Mobile!

Xander has learned his first baby sign, "all done."  Ideally, this allows him to tell us he is finished eating, so that we can teach him to stop when he's full, avoid bad eating habits and childhood obesity, etc.  In reality, it means he'll decide he's finished about five minutes into the meal, we will let him out of his high chair, he'll toddle around for a few minutes, then return to ask for more food.  As it turns out, toddlers don't know when they are all done.  Who knew...

He's walking!  When I took this video off of the camera, I noticed that we have a lot of cute footage gathering metaphorical dust on the camera.  My next post will include some of these videos.

1 comment:

Julie Dee said...

Awww, so cute. What a big boy! Wish I couod give him a hug.