Monday, March 11, 2013

Ugh. Again?

Seriously people!  Let's stop acting like asshats in a foreign country.  I have been to several different countries, and Americans tend to display the worst behavior of any nationality when they're abroad.  Every culture has its dirty laundry, but most people know enough not to air it on the world stage.  This frat house behavior is so embarrassing to the rest of us.

So yeah.  Some GI's shot bb's in a crowded area and scared the crap out of a bunch of poor civilians.  It's turned into a big international incident, and there have been protests outside of the Yongsan post.  Not funny.

Speaking of asshats, I get a lot of questions from the folks back at home about whether or not we're safe.  KJU likes to rattle sabers.  I think these are just a little more strongly worded hollow threats.  From what I can see, Koreans aren't incredibly concerned, and neither am I.

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