Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Birthday to Xander, Happy Thanksgiving/Birthday to Me

X's birthday was so much fun. I keep thinking that he's the best age he'll ever be, then I love the next age even more. Now that he's three, it's like he's enjoying all of these holidays for the first time. Being three and self-centered, he was ecstatic about his birthday. Bobby and I were ecstatic too, to be honest. We dragged the event out for three days. On Saturday, we let him open one present. On Sunday, he got his big gift, a giant tow truck with a backhoe. We went to Kapolei and rode the train. On Monday, he had a party at his daycare and got to open the rest of his gifts.

He loved his cupcakes, and we had to sing "Happy Birthday" to him every time we pulled one out. He played with each of his birthday toys religiously for about a week, and was on some crazy birthday high during that time. It was a joy. Having a small child during a holiday is a joy.

My birthday was on Thanksgiving, which used to be kind of a drag but suits me now. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, and because it was my birthday, I didn't even have to do any dishes. I made the pie, stuffing, and salad, and Bobby cooked his best turkey yet, some rolls, and the potatoes. X is a picky kid and only ate some turkey and the rolls. We sang "Happy Birthday" to me, but X got to blow out the candles. I'm sure he'll be expecting Bobby's birthday next week.

We watched the sun set at Kakaako Waterfront Park, then saw the lights of Waikiki come on. I am very thankful.

The big truck that Bobby couldn't wait until Christmas to give him.

Choo choo!

Riding the choo choo


His garbage truck

His duplo set

Happy Thanksgiving!

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