Saturday, September 26, 2015

Free Family Day at the Honolulu Art Museum

Last Sunday, I had to remove X from the house for several hours so that Bobby could sleep between night shifts. Fortunately for us, it was free family Sunday at the Honolulu Art Museum. While it would have been nice to actually see pieces from the museum instead of darting around after X, it was nice to see him having so much fun. He loved the courtyards. It was Korean Culture Day, and he spent a decent chunk of time watching the Kpop demonstration and, later, a fan dance. It's very unusual for him to sit and watch anything, so I imagine that he was reconnecting with his roots. Later, we took the bus to Spalding House, which is a beautiful estate owned by the museum. We did not see any art or take part in any crafts, but it was worth it to sit on this breathtaking lawn and watch him roll down the hill.

Rapt at the Kpop dancers

Fan dance

Okay, we saw some art.

The pictures do not do this beautiful lawn justice.

Rolling down the hill with "the girls"

Chasing "the girls" through the garden

I'd live here

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