Monday, February 10, 2014

Future businessman

My son is quite the negotiator.  Like many two year olds, he likes to have a say in what he wears, what he eats, and what we do.  Sometimes I let him.  He chooses his clothes every morning.  I say, "how about the blue shirt?" and he says "no blue shirt.  How 'bout green shirt?"  We go with the green shirt.

He has taken the power of "how about" to other aspects of his daily life.  Just yesterday, I said, "would you like a banana?"  "No nana.  How 'bout orange?"  He got his orange.

He has had so much success with "how about," that he likes to try it in every situation.  Today, he was riding on my back at the Mokapu'u Lighthouse Trail (we saw whales!)  The toy garbage truck that he insisted upon taking with him, then lost interest in less than two hundred yards up the trail, was in my pocket.  On our way back down, I said "would you like your garbage truck?"  "No garbage truck.  How 'bout iphone?"

Every day he picks his snack.  I say "would you like some raisins or some graham crackers?"  Every day he says, "how 'bout cookie?"

Sometimes I think it would be nice to take him to the playground (which he calls an up up eee).  "Would you like to go up up eee?" "No up up eee.  How 'bout watch TV?"

I guess the moral is don't give your children choices.

Taking a break on the lighthouse trail.  He chose this somewhat inconvenient resting spot.  I pick my battles.

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