Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Our exhausting week.

Today is the last day of my week long staycation with X.  His day care auntie went out of town, and Bobby doesn't really have enough time in at work to get paid vacation, so I got to hang out with a two year old all week.  I learned that I was not cut out to be a stay at home mom.  On the other hand, this is probably the best place to staycation in the US.

We visited the aquarium, went to San Souci Beach and did some snorkeling (Bobby came along for that one), climbed to the Mokapu'u Lighthouse and saw some whales, and visited more playgrounds than I can count.  As a bonus, it rained the entire first week, so we visited the mall a few times as well.

We also visited the newly renovated Kaneohe Bay library.  Our patrons say it's a vast improvement.  I made it through the process without any nervous breakdowns, and my staff pulled together like champions.  X made himself right at home, marching to the staff break area to look for treats (like magic, there are always treats when he visits), to the kid's room to play with puppets, and to my office to play with my keyboard, book cart, and phone.  I think he approves.

New adult area (empty display units because I didn't get inserts, oops!)

New circulation desk.

YA room.

Kids' room with stuffed animals.

Popular library area.

I was tired of swinging him, so he swung himself.

Outside of the aquarium.  We could see the fish in the water.

Banyan tree dwarfs Bobby and X.

Eating cookie dough.

Acting out Mater's Tall Tales, his favorite movie.  There was an elaborate narration that I didn't understand a word of.
Making bubbles in the park.

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