Friday, October 21, 2011

Things You Don't See Every Day

Apparently there were three wild boars wandering around my neighborhood this weekend.  One of them sprinted through a gate and made it into Camp Walker, where he ran amok and scared people for awhile.  Eventually the fire department, Korean Animal Control, and the MP's captured the boar and put him down, since he was acting aggressively.

They think the boars came from the mountain next to my house (!!).  The woods I walk through several times a week are relatively wildlife free.  I see a deer once and awhile, and I have seen quail, a squirrel, and a chipmunk.  I can't imagine that there are boars in there.

I'm disappointed that I was on Camp Walker on Saturday and I missed all of the excitement.  Wild boars at the commissary?  Sounds like a show.

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